Every Wave Presents: Slash Fiction, The Yacht Club, Frog Costume

Slash Fiction is the beating heart at the centre of Sheffield’s one-band emo queercore scene. A raucous five-piece, Slash Fic’s trademark Sad Bangers run the gamut of emotions from sadness to anger to angry sadness.

Sounding like a fistfight between Jimmy Eat World and American football, The Yacht Club return with their new EP ‘I Don’t Think That I Am Ready To Be Without You’ out 31sy May on Beth Shalom Records. Heaps of emo, mathrock and open tunings.

Based in Glasgow, Frog Costume are active in the DIY scene delivering emotional songs which at times feature aggressive vocals, light instrumentation, spoken word and catchy hooks. They bring these thoughtful songs to venues and play dynamic live sets across Scotland.

18+ only.